I hate having my picture taken but I decided that I would put a picture or two of myself on this blog. The shadow is me. The wooden thing is my friend, a huge tree trunk that was on the beach with a lot of other driftwood friends. David Sarnoff once said " A life that hasn't a definite plan is likely to become driftwood". I can only hope! I love driftwood, I love the shapes of driftwood, I love the feel of driftwood and I love that driftwood is free and recyclable. I am not sure that I even like David Sarnoff, but I get his meaning. As you can tell by the sand this huge piece of driftwood had a lot of attention and was very popular there at the beach. The first day was a beautiful sunny day and perfect for walks on the beach. I look really tall here but in fact I am only 5 foot and 1 and a half inches tall. I had a little problem with allergies, they get me every year about this time and of course something was blooming so I am still recuperating. I put a vacation sign in my etsy shop, which made it a white space here at my blog. I actually sold a couple of pieces (3) as soon as I got back so that was really fun for me. And I just listed two new pieces to my shops and I am getting back into work mode again. All in all it was a great little vacation, I hope your next Vacation is as much fun minus the allergies for you and yours.
That's a great photo! Love the shadow silhouette! Too bad about the allergies, but it's still nice to get away and have a little break, isn't it? Welcome back!
Glad you had a great vacation! The beach is always a nice place to be - and that driftwood is huge!
I don't like having my pic taken either - but the shadow effect is cool!
Your right Debra, it's great to be back with fresh inspiration and sand in my backpack.
Rue, glad you like the "shadow effect" I was taking a picture of my husband who was on the other side of the driftwood and I noticed my shadow. So I just normally thought she should be included in a few pictures and I had fun posing and taking a picture at the same time!
A great photo... good thing your shadow isn't camera shy! I've never seen such a huge piece of driftwood – looks like dinosaur fossil remains! Here in Colorado, it's more like drift twigs.
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