Daydreaming can relieve your stress, perk up your creativity and invigorate your self esteem if used to see yourself in a positive light. Use your daydreams as a tool to see yourself succeeding and then enjoying your success in your minds eye. Try to steer clear of those negative revengeful daydreams which can ultimately become habit forming and keep you in a negative frame of mind. Using comforting imagery along with your daydreams will put a smile on your face and an uplifting breath of fresh air to your mind. While trying to envision quality daydreams you can use scents such as peppermint for stimulating energy or lavender to calm those frazzled nerves.
http://inthelightofthemoon.blogspot.com/ I just entered a contest at a wonderful blog site called "In the Light of the Moon". Inspiring words, great visuals and words of wisdom are to be found and do enter the contest for a beautiful one of a kind necklace. They also have an etsy shop and you can follow their mini showcase to their shop (I have got to figure out how to do that). They have wonderful interesting art pieces you will adore, so check it out today!
Lilac Lolita Necklace with Seed Bead Dangle by mystic2awesome
This is a bit off-topic of today's post, but I thought you'd be the person who might know. I have occasionally participated in the shamanic practice of "Journeying to the Drum." I would characterize that as a form of lucid dreaming, in Jung's sense of the term. A friend of mine is now apparently into "Astral Travelling." Is that a form of lucid dreaming too? What do you think of it?
There are as many theories about Lucid Dreaming as there are about normal dreaming. Steven Laberge's "Introduction To Lucid Dreaming" is one I find helpful and one of the easiest to understand and put to use. I believe that as soon as you realize that you are in fact dreaming you can choose to "edit" your dream landscape and dream characters and in that state you are Lucid Dreaming. I don't actually "go" to the specific places I talk about in any other sense than in my own mind. Some people believe that in that state you can choose to travel "out of body" and that there is a sliver strand that links you to your body. I have "floated" above my body to the ceiling, but it scares me to be away from my body and I start hyperventilating and it wakes me up with quite a jolt. I leave that particular activity to the experts and those not afraid of leaving their bodies. "Journeying to the Drum" sounds very interesting and maybe something I'd like to read more about, I don't remember reading about term before. Thanks for the comment, it is really interesting and thought provoking.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my little giveaway.And when you sign in to your Etsy page,go to My Etsy,then scroll down to Promote,then click mini etsy,then create the bar you want,it will generate a html code.Sign in to your blog,customize,add a gadget,html/javascript,add "Etsy link or whatever you wish in the title,then insert code you copied from etsy,and save.I'm not sure if it has to be in Rich text or html code,so just play around.Hope this helps.Warmest Regards,Cat
Thank you so much for the easy to understand instructions and I now have pictures and a direct link using the Etsy Mini to my Etsy items. I tried to do this a few times but I must have left out a step. I love it!
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