Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Taking a Break

My brain is like scrambled eggs, you can't tell where one thought ends and another begins. My brain is simply put a gray mound of creative clutter. But I like my brain as it is and I wouldn't have it any other way. My workspace is the same as my brain in that it is a mound of creative clutter also. I have been told over and over that clutter is bad and organized space is good, maybe in the next life I'll be better at that.
I start a project and then when I have "crafters block" I put that particular item aside and play with something new and then I go back and work again on the first project. I do have some will power, I refuse to have more than ten projects going at any one time. Maybe I am a procrastinator or maybe I know that when an item is finished it will go on to be listed at my shop at etsy and will then find a new home and I will have to say goodbye to a precious friend. What do you do for "crafters block"?
Friday, February 19, 2010
Happy Fun Friday
~Magickal Graphics~
OMG!! I almost forgot it was Fun Friday! I started my dishwasher and then sat down at my computer and realized my mistake, I am washing dishes on Fun Friday! O.K. what to do, what to do! And suddenly I got an idea which would make it FUN. I got a towel and headed to the dishwasher for a morning facial. I turned the dishwasher off, opened the door stuck my head over the steam and put the towel over my head to block the steam's escape and ta-dah the poor woman's steam facial. Just make sure the steam isn't so hot it damages your delicate facial wrinkles. Just stay for a few seconds to get a nice flush, then rinse with cool water and back and forth and then moisturize. For a FUN FRIDAY it's all about my newly found poor woman's spa facial treatment and everything else to pamper my body just for fun today.
I sat back down at my computer to check out my emails before posting on my blog and what a FUN FRIDAY SURPRISE I found there. Some guy, I won't mention his name say's I just won $750,000.00 and wants some simple information emailed back to him so I can claim my prize money, even though I never entered a contest of that sort. Riiiightttt.
Next I am going to take a two hour bath and read one of my paperback novels. I have a recycled portion of pantyhose filled with sea salt, ginger root (small piece please), rosemary sprigs, cinnamon sticks and orange peels. These items I use for my winter spa bath and they float around in the pantyhose so it's easy to dispose of later without a mess. (In summer I add rose petals to the mix). For the rest of the day it is only FUN FRIDAY activities, and I hope you enjoy your Fun Friday as well.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sweet Lucid Dreams
~Magickal Graphics~
As you may have noticed I LOVE sleeping, dreaming and if possible Lucid Dreaming. I detest NOT being able to sleep, waking up and not being able to go back to sleep and anything that keeps me from being able to sleep. My husband has some disk problems and has been using magnets for his back for some time now and he even takes them to bed with him. I have a shoulder problem from an auto injury years ago that causes me pain if I happen to roll over on that particular shoulder. I had tried pills, both pain pills and muscle relaxers a few times but did not like taking them too often. I will do anything to keep from having to have surgery done.
One night in the middle of the night I did an awful thing. I stole my husbands magnets while he lay sleeping and put it on my shoulder and in about fifteen minutes I was almost pain free and was able to go back to my much welcomed sleep. I don't know if it was the magnets, or if it is just all in my mind but I believe it was the magnets and now I have my own that I sleep with every night. I even wear magnets in the day time to keep my upper back from hurting when I spend too much time at the computer. I can tell if I am not wearing them at the computer because when my back starts to hurt I know I have forgotten to put them on. And NO, refrigerator magnets do NOT work.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tuesday Chuckle
~Magickal Graphics~
Tuesday chuckle for you today, it made me laugh anyway! Hope it starts you out on a great chuckle day. The say laughter is the best medicine, but hugs are up there in the number two spot to be sure. So I am sending out chuckles and hugs today, and I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by and spending a minute of your hectic day with me.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Mood Food

What better way to enjoy food than to find that it actually affects your mood positively and brightens you day by eating. A few of these foods are Bananas, tomatoes and walnuts which are full of things that help to elevate serotonin which is a neurotransmitter which is located in the brain and helps regulate your moods. Simple foods to help you become less depressed. I do like that plan of attack (of course always follow your doctors orders first and foremost).
The only thing wrong with this plan is that I just can't get my husband to eat that Banana and Tomato Pie with Walnuts I made him for Valentine's Day!
The image above is an item available in my shop for a cake topper for the "more experienced" at love and I thought it was well worth the price and the work of altering it with gold colored metal decorations and crystal beads.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Sunday to All
~Magickal Graphics~
Have a happy restful Valentine's Day Sunday and I wish you Champagne Wishes and Chocolate Kisses. Just the smell of chocolate brings thoughts of Valentine's Day long since gone. Remember the little heart cards with funny sayings that you passed around in School. The "Special" Valentine Card from that special person or the one from your teacher. Scents and memory are closely united in the pleasure center of the brain. That is why it is so important that when celebrating a holiday or at any time you want to remember a special moment to stop...close your eyes...use those other senses to smell, feel the sensations of your skin and the sounds you are hearing. This will help make those memories stronger and longer lasting since we are using more than just our sight to remember. When you remember a special moment which of your senses other than sight do you most vividly remember?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dish Fairies

First off, since my mind was on a vacation sort of mode, I forgot to take my digital camera with me. True to my "Fun Self" I did not turn around and go back for it, I thought that this was the first true test of my desire to "just have fun". There was probably a reason that I forgot my camera, because I found myself paying more attention to the sights I saw along the way on my fun journey. The Canadian Geese come to visit and spend winters here in Oregon. They are a delight to watch them when they decide to land, first they send in a few brave souls on point and if they survive the landing with no hunter shooting at them. Now it is safe for the next ten or fifteen geese to land, again no hunter shoots. The rest of the geese circle around watching to see what happens and then here come another bunch brave enough to land and the rest of the geese again circle around and the whole procedure continues until all have landed safely. If I had had my camera I would have spent time taking photos and not really enjoying just sitting and watching the geese in their daily routine.
I also visited my local library, such a slow paced peaceful place that I am sure I will visit more often now. I then got in my car and drove out of town to a place to go for a little hike and get back to nature and there I just focused on the feel of the forests around me and the sounds of the birds, the squirrels, and the rustling of others more shy in the bushes and the scents that surrounded me. There I thanked the God/Gods for allowing me to forget my camera and truly enjoy my Friday of Fun. I finished up my day playing with my little Mermaid pictured here above (I call it playing because it is not work to me). But alas I did do some work, I just couldn't stop myself, I listed my little Mermaid at my shop at etsy .
Oh, yes! Fairies do exist! When I arrived home the dish fairies had been there and all my dishes were done! Who would have ever thought that a dish fairy would be 5 foot 9 inches and have a hairy chest, thanks honey...I love you too!
Mermaid with her Fish and Beaded Hair by mystic2awesome on Etsy
Friday, February 12, 2010
Fun Friday

~Magickal Graphics~
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
~Magickal Graphics~
Girls JUST wanna have FUN! Cyndi Lauper certainly knew what she was talking about when she sang that song. I am preparing for my FUN FRIDAY! Tomorrow is Friday and I am going to set aside All my Fridays for Fun, unless of course some one hires me and then I will have to rethink that plan, but for now PREPARE FOR A FUN ONLY FRIDAY. I will wash no dishes because that is not fun, I will not exercise because that is not fun and before I do anything I will ask myself "Is this going to be FUN?" I will work on my Art pieces because that is fun not actual work, I will take pictures because that is a new fun for me, I will take a walk outside to see what the fairies have left for me to find, and I will be laughing a lot and smiling most of the day. If I happen to catch a red light I will look to see what there is about me to smile about and if I miss a turn or an exit I will view it as a sign that there is something around the corner waiting for me to see that will make me happier. It makes me smile now just thinking about it...O.K. I am giggling like a four year old. What will you be doing on your FUN FRIDAY to make it a fantastically fun day?
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper Song Lyrics, Song Meanings & Song Moods. Listen to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun free!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Sing a Song
~Magickal Graphics~
Everyone should have a song, a song that immediately makes them smile and brings back pleasant memories. Look back through your own memory banks and pick out a song that has a great memory attached to it and get a copy of the song for your computer, CD player or Phone or any and all of the gadgets you may have. Anytime you feel down or stressed out just take five minutes out of your busy schedule and take a few deep breaths and let them out slowly while playing "your song" and feel some of the stress float away from your body. You can do the same thing for a little extra energy during a hectic day at work, find that song that makes you feel like you could go 10 rounds with Rocky Balboa. Go someplace, like your car, so you can play it as loud as you want and sing along without someone calling 911 and feel the energy build in you. Do you have songs that you use for stress or energy or do you have a different method that we'd like to hear about, just leave a comment for us below.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Mystical Magical Whimsical

I carry my cards, my incense, my cleansing articles and such in a special Bag like the one shown and sometimes when I find something new at the beach or in the woods I add it to the decorations of my Bag so that it is always evolving and gaining strength to keep my treasured items safe and protected. What do you keep your special treasured stones, scents or potions in and what makes them special to you?
Monday, February 8, 2010

http://inthelightofthemoon.blogspot.com/ I just entered a contest at a wonderful blog site called "In the Light of the Moon". Inspiring words, great visuals and words of wisdom are to be found and do enter the contest for a beautiful one of a kind necklace. They also have an etsy shop and you can follow their mini showcase to their shop (I have got to figure out how to do that). They have wonderful interesting art pieces you will adore, so check it out today!
Lilac Lolita Necklace with Seed Bead Dangle by mystic2awesome
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Water Thoughts
~Magickal Graphics~
For some reason today I am drawn to water scenes, thoughts of ponds with water lilies and magical pockets of water caught in high rocks of red sandstone. There are water falls which only occur once a year in a short span of the monsoons of Nevada (that is a span of 10 days). When fellow hikers see that it has occurred they hike out to the spot knowing that it will only be there for a very short time. After the initial few days or sometimes even just a few hours the water recedes and is soaked up by the enormous thirst of the desert and it is gone until the next year. The wait is well worth it to see a water fall being created by the Great Mother of Nature itself in a storm of rain and then to see it die just as quickly but much more quietly is a sadness which is included in the price of admission.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
A Fool's Guide to Lucid Dreaming

A Fool's Guide to Lucid Dreaming
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Charm Factory Giveaway | Fairy Blog Mother Blog

Charm Factory Giveaway | Fairy Blog Mother Blog

Nymph on Pedestal for Garden Room with Purple by mystic2awesome
Check out the fairyblogmotherblog (see below) for a great contest with lots of charm. They have more than one contest going at any one time and I see their blog having a great year for the 2010 to come, so enjoy!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Valentine Love
~Magickal Graphics~
Imbolc also known as the Feast of Torches (Feb. 2) was also Groundhogs Day, there must be a connection there since the lengthening periods of light awaken the Goddess as well as the Groundhog. For me, I am just so happy the Days are getting longer and there is more light to be had sending rays of warmth throughout this land. Now we can start readying ourselves for the Love to be shared on Valentines Day (the great Chocolate celebration of Love). This year with all the cutbacks and shortages of money going around I suppose I should be concentrating on creating items which are less frivolous and more of a useful nature but for me this is a difficult task since at some time or another I forgot to grow up. This glove pillow below is probably as close as I can come to something with an actual use. Hope you enjoy it and my positive energy I am sending out to you today.
MARRY ME Velveteen Ring Holder pillow OF LOVE by mystic2awesome
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
~Magickal Graphics~
It seems that a hormone inside the body whose output can be triggered simply by hugging. This particular hormone is found in both male and female brains and spinal cords and is called Oxytocin. Not to be confused with other infamous prescription drugs sounding similar. Just a simple 10 to 20 second hug can change the whole outlook of the Monday you so dread to see or the Wednesday hump day or even the dastardly deadline day Friday. Hugging is also a great way of dispersing Energy Vampires, those who feed off your positive energy thereby replacing it with negative energy, they hate hugging and will often disappear quickly if they see a hug coming. Of course do be careful with the hugging because it can be potentially sex-enhancing and if you insist on hugging your mail carrier there is an immense danger of chaos when everyone starts getting their bills late.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Healing reflection
~Magickal Graphics~
The Oracle Card for today is "Reflections" which is telling you to remove the smoke screen that hides your natural talents or worth, and stand tall. Recognize the areas to be developed further and start perfecting that talent now and be a good reflection for others. The card also says that our shadow sides serve a purpose within us and also can teach us lessons in this life when reflected upon. This card was chosen at random from a deck of cards called "The Sacred Path Cards" by Jamie Sams and illustrations by Linda Childers. This is a wonderful Book and Deck of Cards which I love reading over and over again. If you get the chance I highly recommend it for it's insightful self discovery and Native Indian teachings and healing techniques.
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