mystic2awesome polyvore

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A little BoHo, baby!

This is a beautifully wearable art piece inspired by the old lacy style of the shabby chic style. Hand embellished with beautiful blue and teal colored accented embellishments that complement each other have been added on each side of the purse.

This Gypsy Shabby Purse has a teal beaded chrocheted circle with a beautiful blue and silvered button on each side and blue matching fabric straps. There ar beaded buttons, blue eyelash ribbon, sheer fabrics, yarn dangles and blue sequined embroidered lace.

The Boho Shabby Chic bag has a black cloth liner with two zippered sides.

As with all the recycled materials I use, all items have been cleansed and enhanced with positive loving thoughts as I worked upon the piece:

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