~Magickal Graphics~
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vintage book The Permabook of Art Masterpieces by mystic2awesome
Saturday, January 30, 2010
: fang-tasticbooks

mystic2awesome and back: fang-tasticbooks
Fang-tastic Books
This is a fun blog contest at fang-tasticbooks for a free custom poster, maybe I could have a group picture done with all my little dollies at once! Now that would be a fun poster, of course I'd have to separate some of them. You know how jealous some of the diva types can get. Somewhere above should be a link to take you there just click and there you are!
Incantaroma Blog

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lucid Dragon Dreams
~Magickal Graphics~
Would that I could dream of a beautiful, powerful she Dragon of pale colors almost translucent perched high on a mountain top (dragon skin cannot feel cold you know) stretching my wings and belching fire...no, make that hiccuping fire (I am ladylike) before flying in circles above the fertile landscape of my life. I have focused on this picture and other dragon pictures trying in vain to have a Lucid Dream of Dragons and it just has not happened. Well, I guess I need more insight into Lucid Dreaming, another way of focusing on Dragons, or maybe if I created my own dragons it would spill over into my Lucid Dream scape. There is always something new to learn some new path to be trod a new way to look at the world through these imperfect eyes of mine. What new path are you walking upon today and which fork in the path are you thinking of taking?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Creative Nose Knows

So I will try to sleep with my one right nostril open to start off tonight and see if it helps my Lucid Dreaming scheming. Who knows couldn't hurt. Lying on the left side or keeping a pillow under the left side is said to help open the right nostril.
What are some of the ways you find to inspire your creative side?
Protection Dolls with turquoise necklace by mystic2awesome
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Child Within

Nymph on Pedestal for Garden Room by mystic2awesome on Etsy
Monday, January 25, 2010
Healing Path

Bead Belt for Fairies Fae Princess or a Wiccan by mystic2awesome
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Fairy Friendly

Fairy Friendly Denim Jean Purse Bag with Beads by mystic2awesome
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Lucid Dream Queen

The DREAM INITIATIVE - Lucid Dreaming and Consciousness Research - Your Lucid Dream Group

As a celebration of our first home I planted a tree on my first anniversary in my new house, or rather I planted a twig. My husband thought I was crazy of course. As our married life together grew I could watch the tree grow.
I had my husband drive me around town until I saw the perfect Weeping Willow tree. I took a willow twig or small "switch" which is what my grandmother called them. I put the twig switch in a plastic cola bottle half full of water in the fall and keep it in your house. By spring the twig switch will have sprouted roots and you plant it.
I took two such twig switches one for my husband and one for me and them braided them together and then planted them. The tree will be stronger when two are wound together and will form an interesting tree because of the braiding. You can watch the two grow and become one tree, stronger because of the two who are now one.
MARRY ME Velveteen Ring Holder pillow OF LOVE by mystic2awesome
Friday, January 22, 2010
Strange I am
Water Nymph

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Break Winter's Hold

As the first month of the year ends help yourself let go of anxiety by allowing the old worries rest. If it is a problem that someone else could handle, but you think you could do it better...just let it go and give them the gift of self reliance.
Magical Square Magenta Sequined Barrette with by mystic2awesome
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Mystical Magical Whimsical

I hope you enjoy the picture of my little lovely above. I call it a lovely because I think I am getting the hang of this advertisement thing, if I call it a lovely they don't throw an ad on my blog that competes with my little lovely. There is probably another way, but that's O.K. it's a good exercise in word association for me.
Glass stemmed Mystical Magical Whimsical by mystic2awesome
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Alchemist Pouch

Altered Estee Lauder Makeup Zippered Pouch Bag by mystic2awesome
Monday, January 18, 2010
Incantaroma Protection

Incantaroma Protection Wooden Original Dolls by mystic2awesome
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Cookoo's Nest

He goes into the kitchen and within 10 seconds (yes I have timed him) he has a question. And it's a question that I know if he thought about it for 2 minutes he could answer it himself. But he cannot help himself, and it is always a simple yes or no question. I finally put a paper plate in the kitchen and wrote the words "YES" on one side and the words "NO" on the other.
When he goes in and asks his question I tell him to look at the plate and decide. Did it work? NO! Now he asks questions that can't be answered with a simple yes or no.
FAIRY Flew over the Cookoo's Nest Bird House by mystic2awesome
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Avatar Valentine Love

This is one of my altered action figures at my shop. I was trying to find another way to creatively use my recycled pieces and they each have evolved with their very own personality.
Art Doll WarRior Altered AcTion FiGurRe with Crystal by gothB4play
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Oracle Card for Today

Lucid Dream of Patina Mushroom by Emme Toayeon Voodoochilli.net - Your Free Online Portfolio -photography, print, macro, art, abstract, glass, fabric, lights, purple, turquoise, green, patina,
Tomorrow start again on the work projects, the new ideas and the new rested refreshed you. The link above is a fun place where you can post seven images of your creativity for free and have people rate it or leave you feedback. It's easy to use and upload, you can blog if you want or you can rate the creative efforts of others for free.
Lucid Dream Bride

It is said that your unconscious mind is unable to understand and tell the difference between a feeling, or perceived event or a thought that is actually real or one that is imagined. That is one reason while in a dream you sometimes see something that absolutely cannot be real but are unable to see that it is not real like a flying elephant. But if you could train your mind to automatically question events by the statement "Is this a dream" you will do the same whether awake or unconscious. Once realizing that it is in fact a dream you are able to "edit" the dream sequence. Some will choose to change the elephant into a real elephant, delete the elephant altogether or as I do jump on the elephant with your groom and let it take you to a favorite vacation spot for your wedding. If you are looking for a bride in the photo at the top, you won't find it ...but then again maybe you will.
Gothic Bride and Groom Cake Topper in One of a by mystic2awesome
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Twilight Vampire Tears

Blood runs as midnight nears.
From your pale, pale neck
Comes blood red twilight tears.
by gothB4play
Sorry, that's all I could come up with in 10 minutes of trying to decide what to put on today's blog and last night I had some pretty weird dreams and could not or did not have the sense to realize I was dreaming and "zap" myself to Vegas for some fun. My husband had the same type of dreams, all about doom, death, dark days, smoke and ash everywhere. Maybe it was the moon, but the mood is so pretty I'd rather blame it on TV or the weather or even sun spots.
For all those Vampire Lovers out there here is a pretty little Victorian Cuff bracelet to hide those bite marks on the wrist. Check out the Blood Red Vampire Tears in my little shop.
Blood Red Vampire Tears Necklace of the Long by mystic2awesome
Monday, January 11, 2010
Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is only 34 days away and counting. After a while it gets a little old just getting "I love you" or another Valentine card over and over. This year break the mold and make people you love believe you put a lot of thought into the gift by finding a one of a kind unique gift to give. My elegant Velveteen Ring Holder Pillow would be a welcome change or a wonderful way to display that special gift or all those special gifts hiding in a box.
MARRY ME Velveteen Ring Holder pillow OF LOVE by mystic2awesome
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Son of Right-Hemisphere Laboratory
This is just too cool to pass up Son of Right-Hemisphere Laboratory: March 2009
It is just way to fun and creative. Every now and then I just need a big ole' chuckle and this blog is a great way to shake out a chuckle. And yes, I did post a photo of my own just scroll down.
It is just way to fun and creative. Every now and then I just need a big ole' chuckle and this blog is a great way to shake out a chuckle. And yes, I did post a photo of my own just scroll down.
Spooky Avatar

One of a Kind Mystical Etched Glass Spirit Jar by mystic2awesome
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Wedding cake topper

The photo is a Glove Ring Holder Pillow which can be used to give a special ring to a special someone, or you could use it for the Wedding itself to carry the ring on at the ceremony. The link is for a cake topper Bride and Groom at my little shop, just click on it to visit me and my creations.
Wedding cake topper Bride and Groom Newlywed by mystic2awesome
Friday, January 8, 2010
Robot Drawing Auctiona by appledyl on Etsy

Speaking of robots I just received an email and a picture of a water color and ink drawing of a robot done by a fellow etsy artist, he is new to etsy and I thought very worthy of a little bit of promotion on my part. I am still unemployed and can't buy anything from him but I thought I could put him on my blog and his art is pretty cool so you may want to take a look at a new artist. Maybe send him some much deserved encouragement and mentoring.
Robot Drawing Auctiona by appledyl on Etsy
RoBot CybEr LoVe

Robot CybEr Altered Action Figure with Handmade by gothB4play
The photo is a macro shot using lights and glass. I like the colors and the best thing about abstract art is when you get tired of looking at it just turn it and it's a whole new experience.
Thursday, January 7, 2010

SorCereSs of the CyBeRBoRya SeRiEs with her LoNg by gothB4play
Monday, January 4, 2010
Oracle Card for 2010

Norman Vincent Peale once said: Those who are fired with an enthusiastic idea and who allow it to take hold and dominate their thoughts find the new worlds open for them. As long as enthusiasm holds out, so will new opportunities.
Add to my New Years Resolutions: Enthusiasm in my everyday life, Enthusiasm when I get out of bed in the morning, Enthusiasm when I create and Enthusiasm when I think about each day every day all year long.
Glass Spirit Jar of CoRal TwiGs BuTtOns TuRquOise by gothB4play
Sunday, January 3, 2010
lucid Dream 2010

Exotic One Of a Kind Unique Shell Fan Brooch by mystic2awesome
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Twilight Vampire Tears

Blood Red Vampire Tears Necklace of the Long by mystic2awesome
Click on the link above for more views and descriptions.
There are two sides to a coin, you can't have light without some darkness, it must always be yin and yang to have a balance of the elements. This is a part of the process of growth, the dark and the light are both necessary and if we deny one or the other it is our ultimate loss. We hold our possessions close as we do our ideas and our grievances and only through letting go exploring new things, new ideas and new thoughts are we able to see beyond this small bit of consciousness we call our own.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Best of 2009

Son of Right-Hemisphere Laboratory: Guinevere Robot Queen
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