Oh that was way too fun, I had my camera in my dream! I think blogging about Lucid Dreaming and posting some of my macro photos helped me focus on adding this to my dream. I did become aware that I was dreaming and that I had a camera, I went to a place I have gone before and took a few pictures of the rooms and rooms and rooms that I sometimes encounter. I did not get lost, usually if I become aware that I am dreaming I can go where I want so I am never lost in those dreams.
So many people tell me that they never or hardly ever dream. That's not true, they just don't remember their dream. Dream amnesia occurs almost immediately upon awakening, usually as soon as you even move a muscle the amnesia sets in. When you first wake DO NOT MOVE, not even a finger, think about your dream, go through your dream from beginning to end. Then write the dream down. You may find that a partial amnesia is present if you go back a day or two later and read what you wrote. You know you wrote the information down, it's your hand writing but you may not remember dreaming some of the details. It's a really strange feeling to realize that you have forgotten details. You will get better, and have more dreams when you start to focus and write about your dreams. Why do this? Because how else can you afford to go to Las Vegas and Rome in the same night?